Daisypath Vacation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today started off rough for us, Brenda, Amy and myself. We were feeling out of sorts, trying to get our bearings in Miami. In the end, we are settled in a room at the Courtyard Marriott, and have rented a car. We needed to get grounded, to re-group and re-organize so that we could be there 100% for Michele. She is all that matters. Nothing else matters but Michele.

We visited Michele this afternoon, and finally met with her doctors, Dr. Bullock her neurosurgeon & his team of 3 residents. They are currently familiarizing themselves with Michele and her condition. They asked us many questions of her previous treatment in Mexico. They are trying to figure out the source of her infection, and have changed a few medications. There is blood work in the lab, which we expect results on in a day or so. During our visit this afternoon, Michele’s eyes were open, however she was not responsive to us, mostly starring off in the distance. The doctors believe this is due to the infection, and basically she’s just not feeling well and needs to rest. As of this evening, there is no major change in Michele’s condition.

During our visit to say good night this evening, Michele was resting very comfortably and peacefully. The machines, nurses and doctors are doing the work.

We realize that many of you want to visit with Michele. The outpouring of love is GREAT, and trust me, we feel it. At this time, we ask that only our immediate family visit with Michele, as she is just in the beginning stages of recovery here in Miami. We ask you to please respect our wishes. That being said, we would LOVE to meet with anyone in the area, for lunch, dinner, a drink… it would be wonderful to see any and all of you. Please call Amy or myself to arrange. We would both love to see a friendly face and hear kind words.


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