Daisypath Vacation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, March 5, 2010


Day by Day…and today was a good day! Our morning visit which starts at 9am, was good but short. Mornings at the hospital are always busy so we usually cannot spend more then an hour with Michele. Michele had another wonderful nurse today, Luz and she told us that we could bring Michele’s IPOD and speakers to the hospital room so Michele could listen to her music. We left the hospital at about 10am and headed back to the room to grab the IPOD and catch up on phone calls and emails. An hour later we were out the door to grab a bite to eat. After lunch we were back at the hospital to see Michele.

When I walked into the hospital room Michele was sitting up comfortably. As soon as she saw me I said, “Hey babe, I love you”. She then looked at me and winked. She actually winked! She then even tried to wink with the other eye. We told her we had her IPOD so she can listen to her music. I then took out the laptop and showed her some recent pictures of the kids. I showed her the tattoo that Billy got. You could see the emotion on her face, a tear than rolled down her face. It was a great moment. She was so happy looking at all of the pictures of the kids. Amy and Dori were there this afternoon with me and got to spend some quality time with their sister and best friend. They allowed me to rub some Aquaphor on Michele’s hands and feet to help with her dry skin. She moved her hands more today than yesterday and at one point moved her head slightly. You could tell that she was really trying to express to us how she felt.

During the next few hours we worked with Michele. We are concentrating on her mouth and tongue movement. Until she can control her tongue on her own they will not take her off the ventilator. She has been using her eyes more and more to try to communicate with us. When you ask her a question she will clearly close her eyes to show you that she can understand you or agrees with what you are saying.

At about 5pm we left the hospital and headed back to the hotel to meet Karen and Greg. They drove down from Orlando to see Michele. We freshened up and left for dinner. After dinner the 5 of us headed back to the hospital to say goodnight to Michele. Even though main visiting hours are 1 to 6pm, I am able to visit her shortly in the mornings and again to say goodnight.

Michele has a saying she always uses whenever she talks or sees Greg, “Do you miss me”? It’s something that Michele says to Greg all the time. Well tonight when we walked into the room Greg walked up to Michele and said to her “Do you miss me”? Michele then smiled. Not just a slight mouth movement, this was a real smile. It truly warmed my heart.

Before we knew it 10pm had rolled around and we had to leave and let Michele get some sleep. We are still waiting on Michele’s test results to come back and were informed that the doctor would meet with us tomorrow to discuss the results with us.

As you can tell our days are non-stop. Most of our day is spent in the hospital with Michele working on getting her better.

Please continue to pray for Michele. We pray that her motor skills continue to improve.



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