Daisypath Vacation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 1, 2010


This week was a long week. I spent most of my days trying to get back in touch with business while calling the doctors or family to see how Michele was doing. I had to run to the hospital a few times to just see Michele or speak to the doctors. It is very frustrating having to deal with a new hospital as they need to get familiar with Michele’s case and often they do not even ask the one person that has been by her side the entire time. Therefore it takes them a week to understand what I could have told them in two minutes. Michele has spent the entire week asleep most of every day even through therapy. I feel we have lost a week of valuable time but I know in my heart that I need to give the doctors the time to really understand her situation. I was able to convince the doctor this morning to take her off her anti depressants as I feel it is having a negative effect on her. My next plan is to discuss her anti seizure medicine as she is on a very high dose for only having 1 seizure. We will also be looking at her shunt and the amount of CSF it is draining from her head. I believe it is too much. Go figure 2.5 weeks ago I couldn’t wait for the shunt, now Im trying to slow it down. Michele is unresponsive and the last email was the last time she was really awake. This can all be fixed and I do believe it will be done this week. My goal this week is to get her meds in line and maybe give her some new ones to help her wake up. It is Mothers day next Sunday and we have planed to have John’s 1st Holy Communion in Michele’s hospital room with the entire family. We are working on a mass including songs sung by the girls and the family. John is so excited and has his suit already fitted and has tried it on this week to make sure it fits. I was undecided whether to do this but when I asked John what he wanted he said he wanted his Mother there no matter what.

I pray that my wife will have the most wonderful Mothers Day of all times, wake up, be responsive and remember every waking moment of the day with her family and children.



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