Daisypath Vacation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 7, 2010


I received a call from the hospital at 5am this morning informing me that Michele had stopped breathing again. This is the 7th time she has had to be revived. Apparently she had a lot of mucus in her lungs. She is currently back on a respirator and I had to give permission to do another pic line so that she can get the 3 antibiotics she needs to clear this up. Her veins in her arms are just not strong enough to handle a large amount of antibiotics therefore we cannot do a simply IV. We do not have a clear understanding what happened yet but we are having tests done over the next few days to figure it out. Although this occurred she was very alert today and fighting a fever. After church I took all the kids to see her today and spend time. This is the first time in over a month that we were all there at the same time and she was awake and aware. Each of the kids sat next to her bed and told their Mom what was going on and what they had planned for the summer. Michele just listened to each of them and would not take her eyes off of each of them when they were talking to her. She continues to close her eyes to answer yes and currently this is the only way we can communicate. I asked her today to work very hard to speak and move her left hand so she can communicate better with us. Every time we get on track moving forward we have something happen that sets us back. Im not sure yet but last nights episode will probably set us back up to 3 months to get her bone flap put back on. She is supposed to be infection free for 3 months before the operation and I have a feeling that her current infection will not allow us to proceed. I will be talking to the Doctors this week to determine this.


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