Daisypath Vacation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Michele is now completely off the ventilator and the drain tube has been removed. Her bandages are off to let the incision heal. The bleeding was not in her brain, but a hemorrhage around the bone flap which was caused by air around the seal of the flap. The doctors are now working to regulate the CSF and the pressure in Michele’s head from the difference of not having a bone flap to having it closed up now. This is the reason that Michele is not responsive, but Dr. Vollmer is confident that this will be under control in the next day or so, adjusting the shunt as needed.

The shunt was adjusted today from 120 to 140 letting less fluid drain. Michele is responsive to reflex testing, when the nurse pinches the bed of her finger/toe nails, both left and right legs/arms move. She opens her right eye occasionally, during each 4 hour suction. Michele was experiencing a lot of muscle tension, clenching her hands and all muscles being tight. She is now on a non-sedative muscle relaxer and it is helping. She is having light PT in ICU to help the tightness.


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