Daisypath Vacation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I made it to Miami last night late and was able to visit Michele at 9:30am this morning with Brenda. I honestly was shocked at how well she looked and responded. Although she is still in a critical condition she was better than what I expected and better than when I left. I came back to Florida with a very positive attitude to get my wife better to travel home to Colorado and when I saw her it made my job easier since she is doing better herself. I will continue to motivate her and work with her to get better but to see her do it on her own helps greatly. Don’t get me wrong she is not up and walking around and running the floor as she would do if she had the chance but she is more responsive and aware of her surroundings. She can lift her left had on command and is working to get off the ventilator. Our new plan is to have her shunt operation on Monday and transport to Colorado on Thursday. I do not want to elaborate on this too much as I have been shut down too many times on this issue and only pray that it can actually happen this time.

Please keep the prayers coming as this is the only way I am going to get her home safely.


1 comment:

  1. I'm smiling after reading the latest entry! Really hope she has made the turn, and continues to improve!
    Joy Burden
