Daisypath Vacation tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Michele was awake and alert when we visited her this morning at 9:30 a.m. After we left, a nurse was there to change out the pic line into her heart as there was possible infection detected by the echo cardio gram yesterday. A shorter line has been inserted.

We picked up Dori, Michele’s best friend from the airport and went back to visit. She recognized Dori, and again was alert. We communicated to Michele by asking her to close her eyes for yes. A lumbar puncture was performed today to test the fluid in her spine. This is currently out for culture and biopsy.

Dr. Bullock, her neurosurgeon stopped in to talk with us and explain the procedure that will be performed as soon as her infection is gone. They are also waiting for the biopsy of spinal fluid to come back as they do not want to insert the valve until all infections are gone. The procedure is an operation to place a shunt (or valve) in her body to help drain the fluid that is accumulating in her brain. The fluid is normal, we all have it, hers is just not draining naturally.

For those of you who have been following her platelet count, she’s at 400k. A great number. It is possible that one of the medications she was on was causing the platlets to drop. That medication has been changed, thus the increase of platelets.

The main concern at this point is why Michele is not moving. Yes, she’s squeezing my hand and blinks yes to being able to feel my touch, however her neurosurgeon expects her to be moving at this point. There was a nerve test performed today and hopefully the results will be able to answer this question.

The infectious disease specialists also asked us for the medical files from Mexico, and they are reviewing again. With all of the tests performed today, it seems that the team of doctors are working together to resolve the unanswered questions.

Please focus your prayers on the return of Michele’s motor skills and speech.

Love to all,



  1. John,
    Hang in there! She will get better

    I'll keep her in my prayers.

    Gene Scohy

  2. John,

    I wish I could be there with you, but decided it was Dori's time to be with you and Michele. I am happy that she is there to give you support and encouragement. I pray for Michele to get better everyday.

    Love Dave
